Pop-Up JR D A D System - Portable Traffic Signals - Transportation Solutions and Lighting, Inc

Pop-Up JR. D.A.D System

Our Pop-Up JR™ is portable and versatile. When storing or transporting, it has a small footprint which makes it easy to move. When deployed it is fully compliant with MUTCD requirements. The Pop-Up JR™ can be equipped to meet many job requirements, including driveway assistant devices (DAD). Most commonly, the Pop-Up JR devices work in tandem with our portable signal trailers, allowing for assistance with easy driveway control. Often, pedestrian signal heads are mounted on Juniors for the purposes of controlling pedestrian traffic when our HD Pop-Ups are controlling larger intersections. Everything is easily integrated with our easy-to-use radio system.


Prices vary by quantities - Please contact us for a custom quote in 15 minutes or less, guaranteed:
sales@tsandl.us / (800) 216-4044 or fill out our contact us form here

Serving all of Florida Including Broward County, Palm Beach, Miami, North Florida, South Florida, along with Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina & Louisiana.