At dusk, the bright-white LEDs will turn on at a brightness of 80 lumens and are designed to stay lit for eight hours when the battery has been fully charged during the day.
Our GS-150 solar garden light is constructed from rust-resistant, powder-coated cast-aluminum and the frame of the external solar panel which can be located up to 10 feet from the spotlight for maximum sun exposure is made of resin. The solar panels are protected by weather-resistant, cleanable tempered glass that helps ensure long-lasting reliability.
You can personalize the color of the accent light by inserting one of the included blue, yellow, red, or green color filters for tinted light that brings extra ambiance and variety.
The rechargeable/replaceable battery packs are good for about 1,000 charges. With proper setup for optimal sun exposure, a sunny day without cloud cover should be sufficient to provide a full recharge.
Recharging speed will vary based on weather conditions, but no charging will occur if the direct sun does not shine on the solar panel, so do not put the Premier Solar Garden lights in the shade.
Easy Solar DIY Solution:
The GS-150 solar accent spotlight comes with all the hardware needed for mounting the unit anywhere you choose where ample sunshine is available
No Electrical Wiring:
Zero electrical wiring is required for installation, making this outdoor solar accent light the perfect replacement solution for brightening up your walkways and pathways. Just stake the light into the ground and let the sun do the rest
Virtually Maintenance Free:
Once installed, just let the sun do all the work. The only maintenance required is changing the batteries every 2 ½ – 3 years.
Maximum Sun Exposure:
Our solar accent spotlight is equipped with a detachable solar panel and can be placed up to 10 feet from the spotlight for optimum sun exposure.
Personalize Your Solar Spot Light:
This solar LED outdoor accent light comes with four color filters for you to choose the color of your accent light: blue, yellow, red, and green.
Measures 11“H x 3”L x 4”W this solar powered garden light is constructed of weatherproof, rust-resistant cast aluminum and the detachable solar panel frame is made of resin.
Model # | GS-150 |
LED Color | 6000K |
Lumens | 80 |
# of LEDs | 1 |
Battery | Li-ion |
Voltage | 3.2V |
Battery Capacity | 1500 mAh |
Power Source | Mono-Crystalline Solar Cell |
Light Duration | Up to 8 hours |
Measurements | 2.5 x 2.5 x 4.5 in |
Prices vary by quantities - Please contact us for a custom quote in 15 minutes or less, guaranteed:
/ (800) 216-4044 or fill out our contact us form here