Pedestrian Crossing

Pedestrian Crossing

Push 2 Cross is an MUTCD Compliant solution for controlled safe pedestrian crossings and is perfect for Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets or for Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossing applications.

Now, with the design and development of the Virtually Indestructible SA328 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, TraffiCalm Systems has broadened its available MUTCD Compliant options for Push 2 Cross.

Configuration settings for Push 2 Cross is made easy through TC Connect, a secure WiFi connection platform developed by TraffiCalm, requiring NO internet connection, special apps or software!

With any browser enabled device, the user can select from multiple options and settings.

View Spec Sheet


Prices vary by quantities - Please contact us for a custom quote in 15 minutes or less, guaranteed: / (800) 216-4044 or fill out our contact us form here

Serving all of Florida Including Broward County, Palm Beach, Miami, North Florida, South Florida, along with Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina & Louisiana.